[摘要] 以恋爱和婚姻为题材的作品,在《诗经》中占有很大比重,其中,女性形象的悲剧色彩促成了其爱情诗的千古不衰。《诗经》中所有婚恋悲剧,按其揭示的主题划分不外两大类:追求自由的悲剧和追求专一的悲剧。通过对《诗经》弃妇诗中的女性分析,我们看到了先秦时代女子婚恋的不幸,但是同样从她们身上看到了对爱情的专一和执着,以及对自我价值的肯定,纵使那样的行为在今天看来微不足道,可是这些女性自我意识却值得我们认可、赞赏。
[关键词]:诗经 爱情 悲剧 反抗
[Abstract] The works are being of love and marriage which take large proportion in the Book of Songs. During them (among them), tragical shade of female images contribute to the eternity of the love poetry. All the marriage tragedies in the Book of Songs can be divided into two different kinds: tragedy of seeking freedom; tragedy of seeking specificity. By analyzing the females in the deserted wife poetry, we can know about the misfortune of female’s marriage in Pre Qing dynasty. However, the specificity and insistence of love and affirmation of self-worth are noticed. The female self-awareness is worthy to be approved and appreciated, although these behaviors seem to be insignificant at the present.
[Key words] The book of songs; Love; Tragedy; Defiance