关键词:悼亡诗; 唐代; 艺术特色; 艺术价值
Abstract: The Chinese Elegiac poetry is a genre of poetry employed to mourn for one's deceased wife, and this is the definition accepted through historical process of the Chinese people's definition of convention. Elegiac poetry is a wonderful flower in the garden of ancient Chinese poetry, with distinctive qualities in feeling-expression and esthetic judgment. Elegiac poetry, started by Pan Yue, prospered in Tang dynasty. In spite of numerous investigations and consideration of the kind of poetry, most of them are from the perspective of the specific work of one individual writer's. This article intercepts the connotation and development track of Elegiac poetry in Tang dynasty, and tries to grasp its artistic characteristic and value as a whole.
Key words: Elegiac poetry; the Tang dynasty; the artistic characteristic; the artistic value