[摘要] 1995年出版的《长恨歌》是当代著名女作家王安忆的一部长篇小说,于2000年获得第五届矛盾文学奖的殊荣。这部小说描写了王琦瑶物质、浮华而又凄惨的一生,王琦瑶的人生状态取决于她的人生选择,而她的人生选择与其所处的文化环境是密不可分的。这种文化环境是:上海弄堂文化、近代工商业物欲文化及封建残余文化的交汇与转型。
[关键词] 王琦瑶; 文化; 弄堂; 都市; 封建
[Abstract] Song of Everlasting Sorrow, a novel of the famous contemporary writer Wang Anyi, was published in 1995 and rewarded the fifth Mao Dun Literature Prize in 2000. It depicts Wang Qiyao’s material, flashy yet miserable life, which is attributed to her choice of life. The choice, further more, is inseparable from the cultural background of her time---the trend of fusion and transformation of Shanghai alley culture, embryonic modern industry and commerce, and remnant of feudalism.
[Key words] Wang Qiyao, culture, alley culture, city, feudalism