【摘要】商贾形象在唐代文人的诗文中经历了从被批判、被讥讽逐步走向获得理解和同情的转变过程,这与唐代社会上普遍的重商思想是大致同步的。而探讨这一问题,也是研究中晚唐文人价值观念转变的角度之一。商贾形象在唐代文人诗作中变迁的过程,实际上也就是这一时期文人价值观念悄然转变的过程。 从深层意义上说,这种转变意味着唐代文人开始游离一些正统的儒家济世思想,由过于激进的政治进取和道德自励转向较为温和平实的人生态度,开始从“我”出发来选择自己的生存形态。正因为此,他们才能以公正的态度面对日益发展的商品经济,面对历来受歧视的商人,并接受这一行业,正视义利思想,与当时整个社会的重商思潮共融相生。
【关键词】商贾形象; 唐代文人; 鄙夷批判; 理解同情; 感同身受、羡慕
[Abstract] Businessmen in the tang poetry image literati had from being criticized, cynicism gradually moving towards the gain understanding and sympathy with the process of transformation in the tang dynasty, this is the mercantilist thought is roughly synchronization. And discuss this issue, also studies the concept transformation hardship-chanting genre literati value view one. Businessmen image in the tang dynasty scholar poems in the process of change and, in fact, is this period literati values quietly process. From deep sense, this shift means scholars of tang began free some orthodox Confucian thoughts, borrows by too radical political enterprising and moral motivated to moderate level attitude toward life, begin from "I" start to choose their own living form. Because of this, they can in a fair attitude to face increasing development of commodity economy, face always discriminated businessman, and accept this industry, face justice, and then the whole social ideological trend of mercantilism begets communion.
[Key words] Businessmen image; Scholars of tang; Contempt for judgment; Empathy;Empathy, envy