[摘要] 20世纪80年代后中国的现实主义小说有了新的突破和发展,市民意识的崛起推动了新写实小说的诞生。池莉作为新写实小说的代表作家,其作品中的市民气息和情感取向成为了新写实小说的标志。本文就池莉小说的重要内容、表现形式和表达方法等几个方面对新写实小说中的市井文化进行剖析,从而挖掘出新写实小说的本质。
[关键词] 新写实小说 池莉 市井文化 情感取向
[Abstract] After 80 years of the 20th century,the realistic novels in China had great development and new breakthrough. The rise of public awareness had promoted the birth of new realistic novels. As the new representative of realistic fiction writer,the public atmosphere and emotional orientation in the ChiLi's works, is a symbol of new realistic novels. In my paper, important parts of the Chili's novels , manifestations and expressions, and several other aspects of the new novel in the realistic analysis of marketplace culture, help me to dig out the essence of the new realistic novels.
[Key words] New realistic novels Chili marketplace culture emotional orientation
在20 世纪中国文学发展的背景下,从池莉小说中我们可以认为,新写实小说实际上是新文学现实主义传统的回归,即文学要关注人生,指导人生,反映普通人的生活。当然这种回归不是简单地重复,而是在汲取多种意义后更高层次的发展。新写实小说不仅在内容上贴近生活,把镜头对准最基层的群众,而且以其语言的口语化、通俗化可视为积极实践文学大众化的领头军,具有强烈的平民化特点,在新写实小说中,一直所追求的诗意已不在,有的只是老百姓的生活,真真切切的现实。