内容摘要: 曹禺在我国现代戏剧史上有很重要的地位。本文认为曹禺的早期创作,从《雷雨》到《日出》是一个自我突破的过程。本文尝试从曹禺思想感情的变化、悲剧性质的改变、女性的人生选择以及戏剧结构的新探索这四个方面对这两部戏剧作品进行分析。肯定曹禺对戏剧史作出的贡献以及对现代戏剧创作的重大影响。
关键词: 曹禺; 《雷雨》; 《日出》; 悲剧性; 艺术特色
Abstract: Cao Yu is on a very important position in the history of modern drama in China .This paper argues that Cao Yu’s early works,from Thunderstorm to Sunrise is a process of self-break.This paper attemps to analyse the two theaters from four aspects:Cao Yu’s changing thoughts and feelings,the changing nature of the ragedy,women’s life choices and new exploring about the dramatic structure.To make sure the history of Cao Yu in the theater and the creation of a significant impact on modern theater.
Key words: Cao Yu; Thunderstorm; Sunrise; Tragedy; Artistic characteristics