[关键词] 亦舒 现代女性 爱情 金钱 独立意识
[Abstract] In Hong Kong a luxury and dissipation backdrop, love also became a good which need to buy. Yishu seized modern women inner deep anxiety and fear, describing the modern women in their problem in reality psychological and passive independent consciousness. From the view of love, money and women independent consciousness, three aspects, I analyzed its female images show its unique beauty.
[Key words] Yishu the modern women love money independent consciousness
亦舒的小说并非主流文学,题材也只局限于爱情婚姻故事。若说通俗文学,也还有琼瑶的言情小说,梁凤仪的财经小说独占一方;不同于琼瑶笔下理想女性的才貌出众,用情专一;不同于梁凤仪笔下冷情女性的坚强独立,奉行拜金主义;亦舒笔下的女性带着七情六欲沾染着尘世的色彩,在这样的时代,她们爱人,却更爱自己;她们不拜金,却强调女性的经济地位。便是她自己也说“我的故事一向有些毛病,早十年,编辑都不大接受,因从来没讲过神仙故事,主角统统是凡人,自私虚荣贪婪软弱”。 亦舒通过她独特的描述,在那些或平凡或绚丽的故事,穿插着理所应当的巧合,一个个都市新女性跃然纸上,她们或美丽或平凡,却都坚持与众不同的个性傲然的屹立在这浊世中。