[摘要] 《长恨歌》是当代著名作家王安忆的长篇代表作品并获得了第五届矛盾文学奖。作品主要讲述了特定时期出身于弄堂的“上海小姐”王琦瑶的悲情人生。而王琦瑶这一人物形象也成为了经典深入人心。关于王琦瑶这一形象,前人也从多方面进行塑造。有人从王琦瑶的悲剧入手,来挖掘王琦瑶女性悲剧所带来的普遍社会意义。有人从王琦瑶身上所独有的上海人的特质来定义其人生价值,有人将王琦瑶与上海这座城市交替来写,不仅解读了王琦瑶也解读了上海这座城市的文化底蕴。本文从王琦瑶在对男人的依附与自身独立间挣扎、在对爱情的功力与追求真爱间游走、在对怀旧意识与摆脱悲惨命运间徘徊进行分析,从三个不同方面,用矛盾的角度来解析王琦瑶这一形象的塑造。从王琦瑶这样一个真实,复杂,饱满的人物形象不仅可以看出她悲剧的一生,作者更对20世纪40年代至80年代的上海做了一个很好的阐释。
[关键词] 长恨歌 王琦瑶 人物形象 矛盾
[Abstract] <Everlasting Regret> is a famous contemporary writer Wang Anyi's representative works and received a lengthy conflict fifth prize.The work tells about WangQiyao's -"The Lady from Shanghai" tragic life who was born in a spriod of major works came from an alley.The image of the character Wang Qiyao has become a classic popular.The previous shape from many aspects about Wang Qiyao this image.Some people start from the tragedy of Wang Qiyao to dig Wang Qiyao tragedy brought about by the women in general social significance. Someone begin from Wang Qiyao unique body characteristics of people to define their value of life. Someone turn the city of Shanghai and Wang Qiyao, it not only discuss Wang Qiyao but also show the city's cultural heritage. In this paper,Analysis Wang Qiyao's pacing up and dowm between dependencing in men and by herself,tramping between in the skill of love and the true love ,hesitating between nostalgic consciousness and getting rid of tragic fate.from three different aspects, with the perspective of conflict to resolve Wang Qiyao this Image. Wang Qiyao this from a real, complex and full of character image can be seen not only the tragedy of her life, the authors are 40 years of the 20th century to 80 years, Shanghai has made a very good explanation
[Key words] Everlasting Regret Wang Qiyao characters of people contradiction