[关键词] 《围城》 钱钟书 对象 手法 讽刺艺术
[Abstract] "Besieged city"is the first and only novel written by Qian Zhong-shu.To return to work in France as the center of youth Fang Hong-jian.The novel depicts a group of students and university professors and other intellectuals in the work, marriage and life conflicts and disputes.Ironically, at the time of darkness and depravity of society.Although the language of humor, but it contains a serious social theme.Most noteworthy is the novel use of satire,and the object of ridicule is widely.It can be described as unique, clever novel.Fully reflects the artistic skill of Qian Zhong-shu.He makes the "Besieged city" to be the th most successful novels in modern Chinese history.This article mainly from the object of ridicule, satire and irony of artistic value of three aspects to illustrate.
[Key words] "Besieged city" Qian Zhong-shu object technique art of satire
《围城》是钱钟书先生于1947年写就的一部以爱情、婚姻为主题的长篇小说,小说取名“围城”,取义于法国成语“被围困的城堡”:“城外的人想冲进去,城里的人想冲出来”[1],暗喻了人生的烦恼和无奈。以留法回国的青年学生方鸿渐为中心,描绘了一群留学生和大学教授在生活、工作和婚姻上的矛盾纠葛,以及由此表现出来的猥琐灵魂和灰色人生,刻画了某些旧中国知识分子的基本根性, 他们的懦弱、虚荣、自私、功利以及欺骗性被钱钟书一一嘲讽。《围城》自1980年再版以来, 赢得了读者的广泛赞誉, 具有很深的悲剧意味, 但又充满浓郁的喜剧色彩。社会、人生、心理、道德的病态都逃不出作者敏锐的观察力,反映了抗战初期上层知识分子的活动和生活,具有强烈的社会意义。小说《围城》以其鲜明的艺术特色彪炳于文坛,堪称“是中国近代文学中最有趣和最用心经营的小说,可能亦是最伟大的一部”[2]。评论未免过誉,但起码说明《围城》有其独特之处。《围城》的独特之处是什么呢? 我认为《围城》的独特之处就是它的讽刺特色。