[摘要] 王朔作品中的女性是作为一种价值尺度而存在的,在男人眼里,她们只是一些空洞的符号,因此,男女的感情处于不等价的氛围中。而在社会转型的新时代,女性用她们极端的方式去追求爱情,去选择新的生活方式,这是女性悲剧的必然根源。王朔通过对女性形象的深入挖掘,塑造了一批鲜活的女性悲剧形象。
[关键词] 王朔,价值尺度,悲剧,女性形象
[Abstract] The women in the works of wang shuo are as a measure of value, and exist in the man's eyes, they are just some empty symbols, therefore, the feelings of men and women are not equivalent in the atmosphere. In the new era of social transformation, women with their extreme approach to the pursuit of love, to choose a new way of life, which is a natural source of the tragedy of women. By Wang Shuo dig the female image, create a number of tragic image of women live.
[Key words] Wang shuo , Measure of value,Tragedy,Female