[Abstract]:On mount lushan this is a force -- the great bath of the heroine Yi Xiaotiao。Yi Xiaoquan because her sister's death and his friend's your help has been under the burden of guilt, a description of the heart. she has tasted the hardship of his times and examined and a soul, and the redeemer. this article by analyzing the spirit of Yi Xiaotiao redeem process, the women of the complex nature, rare, the author of women in the spirit world.
[Key words]:Yi Xiaotiao;Heart trouble ;soul ;spirit grow redeem
《大浴女》的贯穿主线是一位叫尹小跳的青年女知识分子的精神救赎历程,小说主要围绕她与父母,两个妹妹,与前后几个情人,以及与好友唐菲的关系展开。作者将小说的主要故事情节设置在“文化大革命”及“反右”这一特定的时代背景中, 再将其延续到改革开放的新时期。“文革”及“反右”是一个充满罪恶与丑陋的时代, 正常的人性遭到残酷的扭曲和践踏, 作品就以这样一个特殊年代作为背景而抒写进行。