[摘要] 顾城是我国朦胧诗派的代表人物,他的诗歌以童话诗最具有代表性。在这篇论文中,我从顾城的创作心理,他所构建的童话世界,以及顾城最终走向的迷途三个方面来分析顾城的童话幻梦。从而可以看出顾城最终走向迷途离不开自身的心理变化,这些都在他的不同时期的作品中体现出来。最终得出了一个结论,顾城的诗歌以孩子的视角来描写他所观察到的一切,把孩子的童真和成人的深刻完美的结合在一起,尽自己的全力用诗歌构建自己的童话王国。他所构建的童话王国有谢烨和英儿,也有自然界的万物,这是他赖以生存的基础,一旦这个基础不存在了,顾城的精神也就崩溃了,童话王国也就崩塌了。
[关键词] 顾城 童话 创作心理 悲剧
[Abstract]Gu cheng is a represent person among hazy poem trend in China, whose poems are famous in fairy tale poems. In this paper, the author mainly analyze the dreams of Gu cheng from his creation psychology, and the fairy world he built, and his road chosen by him finally. Therefore, his psychology change is the main reason of his final mistake, which is shown in his works during different periods. To conclude, his poems describe what he has observed from child’s view, combing the children’s innocence and adults’ impression perfectly, and he spares every means to construct his own fairy world where owns Xie ye, Yinger, and everything in the world. It is the base of his living. Once it disappears, he would collapse, so does his fairy word.
[Key words] Gu Cheng, fairy tale, creation psychology, tragedy