关键词: 数字档案馆;南京各地区;网络调查
Abstract:The birth and the development of digital technology and promote the social progress and prosperity, plays an important role in the market economy. With modern computer technology as the core, a series of advanced communication technology applicable to the business office will be produced, and extensive, comprehensive application in various enterprises and institutions. These technologies can assist human extensive, comprehensive, rapid collection, sorting, processing, storage and use of information, so that the internal staff to quickly and easily share information, work together efficiently; change the complex, inefficient manual office way, scientific management and decision-making services, so as to achieve the purpose of improving administrative efficiency. Digital archives is under this kind of background, emerge as the times require. This paper first summarizes the definition of digital archives, and then browse through the various regions of Nanjing digital archives, and summarized the current development in various regions of Nanjing digital archives status.
Keywords: Nanjing area Digital Archives Network survey