摘 要:脑—机接口(Brain—computer interface,BCI)是一种可以读取人脑中的生理电信号并分析其含义,然后将其转换为控制信号直接对外部设备进行操控的系统。它的出现为人脑与计算机或其它电子设备之间的交流提供一种新的方式,在医疗康复领域和娱乐领域具有广阔的应用前景。
关键字:MindSet脑电耳机;蓝牙SPP(Serial Port Profile)协议;乐高拼装小车;脑电控制
Abstract: Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a novel human-computer interface for direct communication between brain and computers or other electric devices .BCI can provide a new communication option that does not depend on peripheral nerves and muscles for those with neuromuscular impairments, and might also give those without disabilities a supplementary control channel or a control channel useful in special circumstances. So, it has great social value and application prospect.
This paper designes a EEG control system for the build-up Lego car. This system includes the brain signal acquisition transmitter, the EEG data receiving and processing platform, Lego car control platform and the assembled Lego car. Firstly, I designed the EEG signal receiving and processing platform in this system based on the Bluetooth data transmitter of the MindSet EEG headset. This platform is made by Delphi, which can extract the brain concentration and the meditation from the data stream. Secondly, I designed the Lego assembled car control platform. This platform that was programed by LabView has a good human- interface and the control module for the Lego assembled car. According to the level of brain concentration and meditation, this platform can control the speed of LEGO car and the opening and closing of the mechanical grippers.
The experimental results show that this designed system has the featuers of real-time, high reliability. In a word, the EEG control which can be developed in the various domains and has a good application prospects is a novel technology.
Keywords: MindSet headset; Bluetooth SPP protocol; Lego assembled car; EEG control