关键词 芦荟;面包;质构
Abstract:Aloe contains many nutrients, whose nutrient proportion matches the recommended values of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Aloe can intestine the stomach, anti-inflammatory, improve immune function, increase the interleukin, eliminate endotoxin and harmful free radicals, increase the appetite, improve sleepy quality, strongen the brain, improve the health, which is known as the treasure house of vitamins, amino acids and minerals and these substances can complement the needs of humans’ body. Aloe bread is made by aloe and high gluten flour mixed, which not only enrich the varieties of bread, but also has a certain nutrition, its nutritional and healthy care will become more suitable for humans. The aloe is pulped, then is added in the flour, then is made into the aloe nutritional bread. The processing technology of aloe nutritional bread: raw material processing, the dough, shaping, forming, baking, fermentation, cooling, packaging, product. The optimum process for aloe bread: the best fermentation time is 2h, the best baking time is 15 minutes. The best formula for aloe bread is aloe 7.5%, bread soft white sugar 10%, yeast 1.5%, improves 1%. Adding different amount of aloe vera to the bread, the physicochemical properties and textural properties (including hardness, elastic) are studied, the best amount of aloe vera added to the bread is 7.5% when the bread texture is best, and by ultraviolet spectrophotometry determination for the amount of emodin in aloe nutritive bread is 0.001414%.
Keywords Aloe Bread Texture