关键词 紫薯;冷冻干燥;挤压膨化;可溶性膳食纤维;花青素
Abstract:This topic is based on purple potato as raw material, vacuum drying, freeze drying, spray drying, polysaccharide content in purple potato starch before and after extrusion, POD enzyme activity, soluble dietary fiber content and anthocyanin content, free amino acid content, soluble protein content, hydroxyl free radical clearance rate, water activity and the tonal change. Which focuses on extrusion material moisture content on the effects of every index. Experimental results on extrusion materials works best when the moisture content of 15%. Results show that freeze drying effect is good, freeze drying of polysaccharide content in purple potato starch 29.14%, soluble dietary fiber content is 2.42%, the hydroxyl free radical clearance rate were 85.01%, 0.83% 0.83% content of soluble protein, free amino acid content and anthocyanin content of 5.19%.
Key words Purple Potato Freeze drying Extrusion Soluble dietary fiber Cyanidin