Abstract:as a template molecule, Chitosan as a functional monomer, 3-methoxy glycidyl ether epoxy propyl KH-560 silane as crosslinker while adding a certain amount of activated silica gel using surface Molecular Imprinting technology and preparation of cadmium ion imprinted sol-gel polymer.
Optimization in the production process conditions, by means of single factor experiments into: template molecules with different mole ratio of cross-Linking agent, crosslinking reaction time, dosage of chitosan, the gel drying temperature. To determine the cadmium ion imprinting polymer in the best production method :Template molecular and the molar ratio of cross-Linking agent as 1:16, crosslinking reaction time is 4 h, the dosage of the chitosan is 1 g, geL drying temperature is 25 ℃, and use the 0.5 mol/L HCL in ultrasound under the conditions of elution, and atomic absorption spectrophotometry measuring the absorbance of samples after elution, this result is through the orthogonal test optimum polymer adsorption performance of the samples. Method to produce the sample of the Largest saturated adsorption capacity of 31.75 mg/g.
Keywords: Cadmium Molecularly imprinted polymer Surface molecular imprinting technique Absorbance Specific adsorption