关键词 牛蒡;重金属;土壤;相关性分析
Abstract:This text determines the heavy metal in the burdocks and soil of six villages in Feng County of Xuzhou, because of counting and analyzing the software spss19.0, analyze to the heavy metal relevance analysis in the burdock and environmental soil through the variable. In the hope of providing the theoretical foundation for culture and production of the burdock.Utilize graphite stove atom to absorb cadmium, mercury, chromium, copper, manganese, plumbous content in burdock and soil that the law determines six different areas; Appraise soil quality with Buddhist nun plum pollution index law Luo.Cadmium, mercury, chromium, copper, manganese, lead content present the positive correlation relation in cadmium, mercury, chromium, copper, manganese, lead content and burdock in the soil, the coefficient correlation is cadmium separately: 0.926; Mercury: 0.957; Chromium: 0.987; Copper: 0.953; Manganese: 0.980; Lead: 0.990.
Keywords Burdock Heavy metal Soil Relevance analysis