关键词 大蒜粉;加工;锗含量;车间设计
Abstract:Garlic has been in China for more than 2000 years of long history, and cultivated area and output of our countries’ garlic occupy the first place in the world. Because of the short shelf life of fresh garlic, research on garlic powder is imperative. In this paper, moisture content of garlic and Ge content were evaluated, and how the different drying methods affects garlic powder production were studied. Besides, workshop was designed as an annual output of 1,200 tons. Garlic powder moisture and Ge content were determined with the GB/T5009.3-2003 GB/T5009.151-2003. The moisture content for reference, comparison of different slice thickness and drying temperature moisture removal effect. Material balance was selected as the main benchmark, plant layout, floor plans and flow charts of garlic powder production were designed. The results showed that Garlic powder were prepared in the section about 2mm, the drying temperature is not higher than 60~70 ℃ drying effect is best. If the garlic production workshop was with an annual capacity of 1200t, considering the production days of 150 days (three classes per day), the shift production is 2.67t, and consumption of fresh garlic is 8461.26t.
Keywords Garlic powder processing germanium workshop design