摘要:利用新发展的小入射角沉积(small incident angle deposition, SIAD)技术在普通玻璃衬底上成功制备了一种铜纳米线/铜膜复合结构,并利用台阶仪、金相显微镜、SEM、XRD、UV/VIS分光光度计等对复合结构进行了表征。通过分析我们得出如下结论:(1)金相显微镜和SEM观察结果共同表明,在铜纳米线/铜膜复合结构中,一些长直的铜纳米线平行镶嵌于铜膜表面;(2)通过大量的金相显微照片分析比较,发现随着沉积时间的增加,复合结构中铜纳米线的线密度增加;(3)XRD分析结果表明,复合结构具有Cu(111)择优取向,而且随着沉积时间的增加,衍射峰强度增加;(4)紫外-可见透射光谱分析结果表明,复合结构在可见光波段出现SPR吸收,而且随着沉积时间的增加,SPR吸收峰发生蓝移,SPR峰强减弱,半高宽变宽;(5)通过对形成机理的分析讨论,提出了一种新的定向压应力诱导“层-线状”生长模式。
Abstract: In this paper a new small incident angle deposition (SIAD) method was developed to fabricate Cu nanowires/film composite structures. The as-fabricated composite structures were characterized by using surface profile measuring System, metalloscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and UV/VIS spectrometer. The detailed work and outstanding contributions are concentrated as in the following:
(1) The achieved composite structures were of some straight Cu wires parallel to the substrate and inlaid into the surface of a supporting Cu film.
(2) The wire density in composite structures increased in quantity with the increasing of deposition time.
(3) The achieved composite structures showed preferential crystallization in Cu(111) texure. With the increase of deposition time, the intensity of diffraction peak enhanced.
(4) The achieved composite structures displayed an abnormal surface plasmon resonance (SPR) absorption which decreased and broadened with the increasing of deposition time.
(5) With analysis of the formation mechanism, a new growth mode of directed compressive stresses induced layer-plus-wire growth was proposed.
Key words:Cu nanowires/film composite structure; small incident angle deposition (SIAD); lay-plus-wire growth mode; surface plasmon resonance (SPR).