关键词 发酵香肠;乳酸菌;亚硝酸盐;降解
Abstract:The main subject of early laboratory screening of degradation activity of nitrite, salt-tolerant lactic acid bacteria as a leavening agent. pork was used as raw materials. Researching that the degradation nitrite strains fermented sausage fermentation process pH, nitrite content, the number of bacteria and the pH of the fermented sausages during storage, the content of nitrite, the influence of water content and the number of bacteria. The results show that E,F two strains of antagonism between the number of lactic acid bacteria in sausage fermentation process in 9× 104-77×107/'s range of changes, but the number of lactic acid bacteria have been able to maintain higher level; pH value changed significantly i.e. pH values from about 6.9 to 5.2, the lactic acid bacteria in the fermentation process to be able to produce large amounts of acid, pH value decreased; nitrite content in the range of 2.48-12.81mg/g, lower than the average sausage in content and variation. During storage, the number of lactic acid bacteria in 8×106-69×106/'s within the scope of change, the change is relatively flat, but can be maintained at a high level, the lactic acid bacteria has always been the dominant bacteria in fermented sausage production ; the fermented sausages moisture content also greatly decreased, decreased from about 53.6% to about 24.3%; addition, pH value has been maintained at about 5.2 during storage may be due to this may be because of the relatively high temperature and moisture content decreased, inhibition of the production of lactic acid bacteria multiply and produce acid, at the same time part of the lactic acid bacteria to death due to various factors, so there will be no significant changes in pH; nitrite content during storage due to various factors, drop can be reduced to about 4.509mg/g, greatly increase the safety of the sausage.
Keywords Fermented sausage Lactic acid bacteria Nitrite Degradation