关键词 谷朊粉;挤压;最佳配方;工厂设计
Abstract:The experiment with wheat gluten the main raw material for twin-screw extrusion organized, studies of protein content in the raw material system, material moisture content, oil content and edible alkali additives affect product quality. Check product the degree of organization, bibulous rate, hardness, elasticity, chewiness, and through the single factor experiment, orthogonal experiment identified the best prescription of gluten organized product, the experimental results show that the optimum formula as follows: protein content is 64%, material water content 42%, oil content 3‰, edible alkali amount 3‰. Gluten under this formula, organized product organization degree is 6.98, bibulous rate is 213%, 1.537N hardness, elasticity is 2.40mm, chewiness was 2.08MJ. And do the annual output of 5000 tons of wheat gluten organized factory product design.
Keywords wheat gluten extrusion optimal formula plant design
(1) 谷朊粉组织化产品的制备:探索最优配方。
(2) 探讨不同的配方对谷朊粉组织化产品的组织化度、吸水率、硬度、弹性、咀嚼性等指标的影响,及各指标间的相关性。
(3) 编制设计说明书,并绘制谷朊粉组织化产品的生产工艺流程图及车间平面图。