Abstract:The process of recombined crisps from Solanum tuberdsm by response surface methodology was researched. On the basis of one-factor tests and the Box-Behnken center-united experimental design principie, the method of response surface analysis with three factors and three levels was adopted. A second order quadratic equation for the process of recombined crisps from Solanum tuberdsm flour and glutinous rice flour and Solanum tuberdsm flour and wheat flour by response surface methodology was built respectively. Response surface and contour were graphed with the sensory evaluation as the response value. Based on the analysis of the response surface plots and their corresponding contour plots, puffing time, amount of Solanum tuberdsm and water equilibrium time were explored. By using this new method. The optimum condition of the recombined crisps from Solanum tuberdsm flour and glutinous rice flour was obtained as follows: puffing time 125s, amount of Solanum tuberdsm 19.86% and water equilibrium time 0.86h. Under the optimized condition, the average sensory evaluation was 85.86. The optimum condition of the recombined crisps from Solanum tuberdsm flour and wheat flour was obtained as follows: puffing time 108s, amount of Solanum tuberdsm 19.9% and water equilibrium time 1.92h. Under the optimized condition, the average sensory evaluation was 87.40.
Key words: Recombined crisps from Solanum tuberdsm flour and glutinous rice flour; Solanum tuberdsm flour and wheat flour; Sensory evaluation; Response surface methodology