关键词:湿度 超声波 加湿器 自动控制 单片机
ABSTRACT:Humidity control widely used in laboratories, greenhouses, garden, barn and even the soil and other fields, has become a hot research projects of the 21st century, is the process of industrial and agricultural production and daily life must be considered. As the most common parameter to be controlled, humidity is no longer mutually independent physical quantities, but should be taken into account in the system. The humidity control is the use of traditional hygrometer, hair hygrometer, bimetal strips, etc. and humidity meter test equipment, this manual control method is not only time-consuming, inefficient, and the randomness of a larger error is large, and therefore need for a low cost, easy to use, accurate and intelligent computing humidity control instruments.
The design of the requirement is to use the microcontroller and ultrasonic humidifier for humidity control, through the use of STC12C5A16AD microcontroller as the master chip, AM1001 humidity sensor module detects humidity data, 12,864 LCD display module air humidity, ultrasonic humidifier humidity control consisting of the entire systems. Firstly AM1001 Digital Humidity Sensor the collected data to the microcontroller humidity, after MCU processing and accurate to the current air humidity display on the LCD screen. At the same time through the microcontroller to control the ultrasonic humidifier, humidifier automatically when the humidity is too low humidity, excessive humidity, the humidifier automatically stop humidification to achieve automatic control of indoor air humidity purposes. The system has high precision control humidity, strong function, small size, low price, simple and flexible features, the success of the design requirements.
The design of the indoor air humidity automatic control system successful realization of the project requirements, the indoor air humidity controlled at 75% RH ~ 85% RH.
Keywords: ultrasonic wave;humidifier;automatic control;MCU