关键词:图像增强 边缘检测 车牌定位
ABSTRACT:As one of the significant part of Intelligent Transport Systems, License Plate Automatic Recognition occupies an important place in the study of the field in modern traffic, which is being taken more seriously in the research of its related technology. So,It's important to research the plate location system for theoretical and practical significant. This paper presents a license plate location based on projection which associate with mathematical morphology. Location processing is came true by the following steps: first of all, processing of the license plate image, image denoising, an so on; then, use morphological operators for license plate region’s rough detection, the paper has designed an intact license Plate Recognition system. On the premise of constructing a theory, the paper has programmed corresponding algorithms in the environment of MATLAB. It's laid a solid foundation for the license plate character segmentation and license plate recognition ,The experimental results show that this algorithm is suitable for license plate location and recognition.
Keywords:Image enhancement; Edge detection; License plate location;