关键词:村民自治 ; 妇女 ;边缘地位
Masses at the basic level are the main participants of the village basic level politic activity, while the women who have vital function in motivating the village production and the social development have not achieve the homologous position in the village political life . The fact that women are at a marginal position in the villager autonomy is a result affected synthetically by many factors . Not only does it include the inner factors of women themselves, but it also includes the effect of objective factors, such as the legal assurance, the traditional thought, the social division of labour, the social gender and so on. The matter that village women are at a marginal position is not a easy and isolated question , but a systematic social issue . If we want to make sure that women can really play a important role in the villager autonomy, we must constantly improve the villager autonomy system , develop production , change the existing status of women ,besides, we also need to enhance women’s cultural qualities and develop women’s group consciousness as a whole ,so that we can fundamentally change women’s marginal position in the villager autonomy.
Keywords: the villager autonomy; women; marginal position