关键词:土地利用总体规划 实施评价 存在问题 产生原因 对策建议
Abstract: Last round of land use planning is over. After a new round of preliminary studies, preparation of planning briefs and results-based phases for the reorganization plan, release date is approaching. In this background, this paper in-depth study of land use planning theories and methods focus, on the basis of analyzing of research situation in both home and abroad, take Haimen last round of the implementation of the land use planning for a case study to make some objective evaluations. Combine with the preparation of the last round of land use planning and implementation problems in Haimen, I attempt to analyze a problem of a variety of reasons. Also I proposed such recommendations as improving land use planning authority, giving attention to land use planning and urban planning coordination and convergence, increasing scientific and technological efforts and enhancing the professional quality, guaranteeing data accuracy, establishing a rational system of planning indicators and improving the usability to launch a new round of the national land use planning to provide suggestions and comments revision. In this process, this thesis tries to further improve the management system of land use planing.
Key words: Land Use Planning Implementation Evaluation Problems Causes Strategies