关键词:维佳商务 员工激励 激励方式 对策建议
Abstract: In contemporary society, with social and economic development, gradually fiery war for talent, companies not only to absorb the best talent, but also to find ways to retain talent. Therefore, enterprise managers should think of ways to give each employee a can stimulate the morale of its incentive programs, as far as possible to meet their needs. Now, however, most companies incentives to some common problems, such as the way backward, lack of means and other issues. The resulting increase in treatment costs of employees, some employees leave and other undesirable phenomena occur again. Therefore, an effective incentive for employees to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees, potential employees, became an important task at present many companies. Based on the comprehensive application of the theory of scientific knowledge, especially the "incentive" theory, from incentive management, research perspectives and area classification, etc., combined with the use of information collected, analyzed in terms of staff motivation, the problems of today's businesses. The resulting data were analyzed and finishing, give advice, and provide solutions for the enterprise. Combined with the development of advanced concepts and management, applied research on employee motivation was summarized, and gives recommendations for further research. Expectations are in the stage of rapid development of Vega Business Consulting Company can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of each employee to improve their job performance, enabling enterprises to achieve the ultimate goal. Meanwhile, we hope to be able to motivate employees experiencing the same changes in the course of its business to provide reference development.
Key words: the Employee Motivation of Vega Business Consulting Company Incentives Suggestions