摘 要:团队凝聚力一方面对企业绩效和未来发展起着至关重要的作用,另一方面对团队完成既定目标有着重要影响。基于此,我展开了本篇论文的研究。首先陈述了团队凝聚力研究的背景、课题研究现状和常用研究方法。其次介绍了提升团队凝聚力的重要意义。然后在分析企业团队种类后,对影响企业管理团队凝聚力的六大因素进行详细分析。其中六大因素分别为:团队结构、企业文化、环境、领导者、外部威胁、团队发展阶段。团队发展阶段根据团队形成时间和发展程度可以分为:初建期、磨合期、整合期和成熟期。最后,在因素分析的基础上,总结出提升团队凝聚力的六点对策:他们分别为合理调整团队结构,关注团队建设;明确企业文化,做好渗透工作;创造良好的企业发展环境;关注领导者角色,发挥领导作用;明确外部竞争对手;完善奖惩制度,共享丰硕成果。在明确企业文化这一对策中,我引入聚美优品“我为自己代言”的经典案列,它的企业文化为企业不仅凝聚力粉丝力量,更汇集了团队力量,凸显了企业文化对团队凝聚力的重要作用。通过本文研究,最终得到结论:只有不断提升团队凝聚力,企业才能走向成功。
Abstract:On the one hand , team cohesion plays a vital role in the future development and firm performance.On the other hand , it has an important impact on the efficiency of the team . Based on this, I started a research thesis. The first statement of team cohesion include research background, research status and common research methods. Second part introduced to enhance the importance of team cohesion. After analysis the type of corporate team, article introduce six factors which affecting corporate management team cohesion. There were team structure, corporate culture, the environment, leader, external threats, team development stage. Stages of Team Development Team is formed according to the time and level of development can be divided into: the beginning of the construction period, a period of adjustment, integration and maturity. Finally, on the basis of factor analysis, summed up the six measures to enhance team cohesion. They were reasonable adjustments to team structure, team building concerned; clear corporate culture, good penetration work; create a good environment for enterprise development; focus on leadership role to play a leading role; clear external competitors; perfect reward system, sharing fruitful results. Such an approach in a clear corporate culture, I introduced the United States together superior product, "I speak for himself," the classic case out, it is not only cohesive corporate culture fan power for the enterprise, but also brings a team strength together,. It highlight the corporate culture on the role of team cohesion . Through this study, we can get the final conclusion: Only by constantly enhance team cohesion, enterprises can succeed.
Keywords: Team cohesion; corporate culture; taking measures.