关键词: 营改增; 运输企业;进项税额; 销项税额
Abstract:Since implemented on January 1, 2012, the pilot of change from business tax to value-added tax has achieved significant results in eliminating double taxation and reducing the burden on enterprises, etc. But the tax burden of the general taxpayer of part of value-added tax rise, not fall, because the tax rate of transportation industry increases greatly, and the invoice management has not been standardized in our country, moreover the deductible items are less and the scope of the pilot is limited and other reasons. This paper shows the impact of this reform on tax burden and net profit of the transport enterprises through case analysis. And according to the issues of pilot, personal suggestions that government should reduce the tax rate of transport industry, and expand the deductible scope of VAT, and extend the pilot in a larger range, as well as redefine the income ratio between the central government and local government, etc. are put forward in this paper.
Key words: Business tax reform VAT Transportation Industry Input VAT Output VAT