关键词 战略管理理论;战略管理会计;运营环境
Abstract:With the development of social economy and the progress of science and technology,the world economy is in the progress of integration. At the same time, with the fierce global competitions, the requirements of customers are constantly changing and their consumption level is improving. Thus, the change of enterprises’ operation environment and the prosperous development of the strategic management theories and practices provide us a new visual angle, so that we can reexamine management accounting. F urthermore, the issue of disconnection between theories and practices of management accounting hasn’t been fundamentally solved. The disconnection is characterized by the lag of theories behind practices, which requires us to further strengthen the research of management accounting theories and practices and establish a theories behind practices, which requires us to further strengthen the research of management accounting theories and practices and establish a theoretical method system in line with the development law of management accounting, guiding the development of practice. According to the current status of strategic management accounting which our country pract ice on, we find the problems that strategic management accounting in our country. Then the paper discusses the necessity and feasibility of our country practice it, and finally propose the basic ideas of strategic management accounting applied in domestic enterprise and the related development measures
Keys: Strategic management theory; strategic management accounting; operating environment