ABSTRACT:Current civil aviation ticket price system is multistage ticket price. Compared the price system of single before, whether the civil aviation and the passengers the two sides have a win-win situation after carrying on the multistage ticket price system or not? In this paper, this question will be discussed. With the method of game theory, the airline and passenger individual will be regarded as the two players, the system of multistage ticket price can really realize civil aviation and the passengers the two sides a win-win situation will be concluded.
Keywords:airline;traveler;multistage ticket price;game theory;win-win
从本文可以看出,在单一票价体系下,对旅客个人与航空公司博弈分析,旅客选择乘机出行通常是因为出行收益大,而针对这一部分旅客,航空公司根本没必要通过机票打折来吸引他们,但是这样航空公司就面临着上座率得不到保障的问题. 如果航空公司要靠单一的低价票来吸引更多旅客乘机,保障上座率的同时却会面临亏本的风险. 所以单一票价体系势必要退出航空公司定价机制.
目前最好的办法是细分市场. 既能够从因公出差的旅客身上获得高利,又可以通过低价吸引因私旅游的旅客从而保证上座率,使这部分低价旅客与航空公司分担共同成本. 这正是多级票价制定的意义所在,而本文已经对旅客市场做了一次初步的划分.