关键词:STC89C52单片机; DS18B20温度传感器;LED数码管
Abstract:The temperature detector is STC89C52 core control chip microcontroller, the microcontroller has a good anti-jamming capability, fast response. The detector system hardware design includes three modules, namely, minimum system microcontroller, temperature sensor circuit and the digital display circuit. The design of hardware used to STC89C52 microcontroller as the core control device, temperature sensor with high sensitivity to temperature data DS18B20 obtain components and equipment using LED as the display hardware design. Part of the modular software approach will be divided into several parts, and then by the module design process, using C language to realize that the coordination of the various parts together, and ultimately the temperature of the environment in real-time detection. Key Words: STC89C52 microcontroller; DS18B20 temperature sensor; LED digital tube