Abstract:In recent years, celebrity endorse advertisement trigger endless disputes, current law only define celebrity endorse false advertisement in the field of food shall assume joint liability. When celebrities endorse other products, such as furniture, electronic products, real estate and cosmetics constitute false advertisement ,they do not assume any legal liability. Because of the imperfection of our country current advertisement legal system, the celebrity endore advertisement lack effective regulation .The false advertisements not only do harm to consumers’property and health,but also to the society widely and seriously. This paper firstly will analyse the problem of Chinese celebrity endorse advertisement system .Then,draw on the experience of other countries’ celebrity endorse advertisement legal system .Finally, put foword a number of specific recommendations to imoprove Chinese celebrity endorse advertisement system . This paper aim at causing the society pay attention to celebrity endorse false advertisement and impelling celebrities to go through endorse advertisement earnestly.
Key words: celebrity;false advertisement;legal regulation