关键词:雇凶杀人,刑事责任,死刑 ,主犯和从犯
Abstract:Employed to murder crime is a social phenomenon, some rooted in social ills. We never ask the community or country to assume full responsibility for personal crimes, however, we are not going to allow criminals to go alone take up the full criminal responsibility. Shirk all responsibility for a crime to social and national criminal man, is not a kind, generous, humane society and the State. "Progress means of criminal law penalties should gradually change non-sentimental, be calm and rational. "Therefore, we not only want to retaliate against criminals, nor should severely punish homicide people employed this kind of very serious crimes and deterring potential perpetrators and casual across legitimate limits of the penalty. Hope hired murder crime through the study of criminal justice for the crime of concern to further confirm the individual criminal responsibility of the perpetrator, in judicial decisions forming the unified requirements. At the same time, will promote the theoretical and practice for hired murder people in further concern of this particular form of crime, reduce this kind of crime is excessive and unnecessary death sentences in the judicial process.
Key word: Employed to murder people, criminal, death penalty, principal and accessory