关键词 :婚内强奸;强奸罪;妇女权利
Abstract:Rape within marriage is all ages and the objective existence social phenomenon。In the patriarchy society, his wife in sexual life is only her husband sex object, no sexual rights whatsoever。As women's emancipation and gradually independence, from the respect for women's sexual autonomy, based on the point DingHun.rape within the criminal code, currently in the west has already gradually into the trend。The current our country criminal law to rape within marriage is no clear rules. This paper holds that in the criminal law of rape within marriage behavior of regulation, set up a "rape within marriage," is not only the need of social reality and have theoretical fully claim. Should be in rape within marriage punish; Marital rape case has its particularity, so should be different from ordinary rape, may provide for private prosecution to deal with, and should be clearly relative to rape the lighter sentencing range.
Key words:Rape within marriage;rape;women's rights