关键词:家庭暴力 成因 危害 法律界定 法律救济
Abstract: We are living in a wonderful big social family, a harmonious, peaceful family relationship is not only the important content of the life happiness of each family member, it is also one of the basis that a harmonious socialist society will be built on. However, in our country, there are still quite a number of women suffering from domestic violence nowadays. The concern is that the researches about legal theories and the judicial practice on family violence have become increasingly the hot spot of legal work in our country. At present, with the social changes, the phenomenon of home violence continue to appear with its even more various and complicated forms. Out of these concerns, this essay is dedicated to a trial analysis of the causes of domestic violence, at the same time, the author tries to work out a relatively complete system of identification and legal remedies, and applies it to the real legal practice with the expectation to strengthen the protection of the victims and to reduce family violence in order to bring harmonious families and society.
Key words: domestic violence causes harm legal identification legal remedies