关键词: 《京都议定书》 碳市场 对策
Abstract:As the global temperature is up and the worldwide range of the weather is excrescent continuously,climatic change question,which results from mankind activity that generates the greenhouse gas emissions, become the focus of concern in the world gradually.In order to deal with the impact and the influence the global climate change brings to our country, our country signed "the United Nations Climate Frame Joint pledge" and authorized "the Kyoto Protocol" successively, as well as has taken a series of effective counter measures positively. According to "the Kyoto Protocol" ,as a developing country, China may take part in the item- based carbon emissions right trades on the foundation of CMD.Therefore, the carbon emissions trading market of our country is mainly item market at present, namely CDM market. Because the domestic carbon market just formed soon, the domestic carbon market has many flaws and the insufficiency, and needs to consummate. This article mainly includes four parts. The first part mainly introduced the international carbon market profile. The second part mainly introduced the domestic carbon market profile. The third part pointed out that there exists question in the domestic carbon market,mainly including three aspects. The fourth part, proposes the domestic carbon market consummation measure and the countermeasure, in correspondence with the third part.
Key words: Kyoto Protocol carbon market countermeasure