Abstract:With the rapid development of electronic commerce,the logistics plays an increaseing -ly import role in the development of electronic commerce and it has been regarded as the foundation of electronic commerce.In China,the social and economic environ ment of the medium-sized and small enterprises has changed greatly and required to perform more com -petitive in putting logistics into practice on a higher level .The medium-sized and small enterprises always react quickly and flexible to the changeng of the market,they put the stra -tegy into effect and enhance themselves competition through it at the same time. Currently, the electronic commerce is in the process of improvement and adjustment,there are some problem in the present system and it restricts the development to some degree. Since the development of logistics can be treated as a significant factor of the strategy,if we want to make a breakthrough in the bottle e -neck of the development of electronic commerce and we must to acquaint ourselves with the current model of the logistics of the medium-sized and small enterprises before we establish the strategies.
Key words:Electronic commerce;The model of logistics;The means