Abstract:Because of the homogeneous products, culture has become more and more essential factor for enterprises to build long-term differentiated advantages and from core competitiveness. Marketing management of real estate enterprises must change from traditional marketing to new model------cultural marketing. Real estate companies must seek new development and increase the cultural value of content in the products and servers, included the implementation of the culture of real estate marketing strategies in order to meet customer demand for the spiritual fully.
This thesis elaborated the connotation of real estate culture marketing, the characteristic and the principle which the real estate enterprise should follow when implementing cultural marketing. It analyzed the type of real estate enterprise culture marketing, proving the necessity of culture marketing in real estate enterprise marketing. Then the thesis analyzed the questions existing in real state enterprise in the process of culture marketing. Aimed at these questions, the thesis put forward solutions to the problems form the perspective of product cultural marketing, brand culture marketing and corporate culture marketing. Finally, it illustrated the prospect of real estate enterprise in culture marketing.
Key words:Real estate enterprise;Cultural marketing;Marketing strategy