关键词:ONLY品牌 品牌营销策略 品牌个性 品牌传播 品牌销售 品牌管理
Abstract:Nowadays, China is a large manufacturing country and has not the clothing brands that affect the international completely. During a short period of time, Chinese clothing enterprises can not catch up with the international clothing companies because of their the weak ability of brand marketing. ONLY was born in 1995. With its unique brand marketing strategies, the ONLY market share rises in the women share. ONLY selects accurately the consumer markets with own brand of style. It develops and promotes brand by some strategies such as providing professional and quality services.
On the basis of brand marketing theory , the thesis finds out the advantages and disadvantages of the ONLY brand strategies and proposes perfect suggestions. Brand marketing theory includes brand character, brand communication, brand sales, brand management. This article studies the ONLY Brand to absorb its success to development of China clothing brand play a reference.
Keywords: ONLY brand marketing strategy brand character brand communication brand sales brand management