摘要:出口信用保险作为国际通行的贸易促进手段,已有近百年的历史。二战以后,随着世界经济贸易全球化进程的逐渐加快,出口信用保险也获得了巨大的发展,许多国家先后以不同的模式纷纷建立了自己的出口信用保险体制。迄今为止,全世界已有60多个国家和地区拥有专门的出口信用保险机构,出口信用保险承保金额已占世界贸易总量的10%以上。世界贸易组织成立以后,规定只要出口信用保险机构能够在一定时期内维持盈亏平衡,出口信用保险就不属于出口补贴。正是由于此,出口信用保险逐渐成为了当前各国政府支持出口,保障企业收汇安全的有效措施和手段。出口信用保险制度是国家为支持出口、保护出口商利益而建立的一项重要而特殊的政策性配套措施。借鉴国外经验, 科学选择一种适合我国国情的出口信用保险经营模式,有着十分重要而紧迫的现实意义 。中国出口信用保险与其他发达国家相比有明显的差距,截至2008年底,中国出口信用保险占一般贸易出口额的覆盖率不到7%,这与中国每年外贸的快速增长形成鲜明反差。受国际金融危机、人民币升值等因素影响,我国对外贸易形势严峻。因此,研究出口信用保险对推动我国的出口贸易具有重要作用。本文通过系统地研究出口信用保险的概念以及我国出口信用保险的现状,发现存在的问题并提出有效的解决对策,为我国的出口保险事业添砖加瓦。
Abstract:Export credit insurance as the international trade promotion means, a history of nearly years. Since the second world war, with the globalization of the world economy trade has picked up speed, export credit insurance also has achieved great development, many countries have to different mode of have set up their own export credit insurance system. So far, the world than 60 countries and regions have special export credit insurance institutions, export credit insurance covers share of world trade volume has over 10% of the total. After the establishment of the world trade organization, and as long as the export credit insurance agency regulations in a certain period can maintain profit and loss balance, export credit insurance will not belong to export subsidies. It is because of this, the export credit insurance gradually become the current governments to support export, ensure the safety of the enterprise in the effective measures and methods. China export credit insurance and the developed country is compared with each other other by the end of 2008 having the obvious gap,China goes out of 1 mouthful of credit as if trade exit forehead coverage rates do not move 7% like dangerous brick , this forms distinct contrast with speedy Chinese foreign trade every year increase. Well value is waited for factor effect by international financial crisis friend RMB. Our country foreign trade circumstances is austere, therefore. Study export credit insurance drives export trade of our country to have the important effect now and then. And the main body of a book is passed studying the export credit insurance concept composes in reply a characteristic systematically, scholar's famousness reasons with at home and abroad, let artery and vein that we develop to export credit insurance theory have a limpid acquaintance.
Key words:Export Credit Insurance; Business model ; problem; countermeasures