摘要:近年来, 随着经济的全球化发展,人们越来越注重环境的保护与经济的协调发展。保护环境、保护资源的呼声在全球范围内日益高涨,掀起了保护环境的绿色浪潮。与此同时,一种新型的非关税贸易壁垒——绿色壁垒开始形成。在我国,食品出口由于绿色标准遭退港的事件频发,可见绿色壁垒已经成为制约我国食品出口贸易发展的关键性障碍。本文将探讨绿色贸易壁垒的定义、特征及表现形式,然后讲述我国食品行业的出口现状及遭遇绿色壁垒的原因分析,并分析绿色壁垒对我国食品行业出口造成的巨大影响。及分析我国食品在出口贸易中遭遇绿色壁垒的主要原因,在此基础上提出我国食品行业该如何冲破绿色贸易壁垒,以及应当采取何种对策来应对绿色壁垒,这对促进我国食品行业的出口具有较大的现实意义。
Abstract:In recent years, with the develop of economy globalization, people begin to pay more and more attention to environmental protection and economic development. Environmental protection, conservation of resources is growing on the global scale, and thus set off a wave of green environmental protection. At the same time,a new type of non-tariff trade barriers - the green barriers is accompanying. In China, food exports due to the green standard was to retire the event frequency, so green barriers has become a key obstacle to restrict the development of China's food exports. This article will explore its definitions, characteristics and the main form of definition, and then talk about the export situation of China 's food industry and analy the problems of Chinese food export trade in the green trade barriers , and analysis of the enormous impact of the green barriers on the export of China 's food industry. The article will mainly focus on analyzing the problems of Chinese food export trade in the green barriers, puts forward how to break the green barriers, as well as what measures should be taken, It’s a greater practical significance for promotting the export of China 's food industry .
Key words: Food; Export trade; Green Barrier