关键词:XX陶瓷 供应链管理 战略联盟
Abstract:Supply chain management, the management must have a system to integrate the supply chain, downstream, to enhance competitiveness, meet today's highly competitive market economy. In order to enable enterprises to survive. To implement an effective vendor management of the most difficult thing is to build the supply chain collaborative relationships between organizations, which means that internal and inter-organizational business process integration, that is, the information system through the Union and the capacity to respond quickly based on market to achieve supply chain close collaborative relationships between organizations.
XX ceramics for supply chain research is based on the relationship between their strategic alliance, SWOT analysis and case study methods, research methods literature summarize the advantages and disadvantages of strategic alliances, and then the base in previous studies to analyze how to avoid weaknesses. This article begins with an overview of XX ceramics, were SWOT its analysis by SWOT analysis, that the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, etc.,and find out the reaXXn of various problems, then the theoretical system to solve supply chain problems. And to import the various elements of supplier management to supply chain ring, so the logistics, information flow, capital flow rapid run.
Keywords: XX Ceramic ,Supply ,Chain Management , Strategic Alliance