关键词:证券市场国际化 资本流动 影响 途径 风险
Abstract:The internationalization of securities market, is simply the domestic and foreign stock market, in particular, is outside the service organization can enter thedomestic securities market, for domestic residents and non residents by theforeign investment in the domestic securities market provides intermediaryservices, while allowing foreign investors to trade domestic securities and allow foreign financing through domestic securities market to raise funds. The internationalization of securities market in fact refers to the securities as the media of international capital flow, that is to say the stock market main body cannot by the state and restriction between countries, multinational free flow, so that the entire international securities market integration, mutual penetration, becomean integration of the securities market. China's securities market is in a long road of internationalization, in this period, we will encounter a lot of problems, not justopen market internationalization is so simple, we need to consider the situation of our country, economic strength, the system of laws and regulations, internationalrisk and so on, making a series of feasible methods, and then steadily. Graduallyopen the market.
Keywords:internationalization of securities market capital flow Influence way risk