摘要:当前,我国的农村金融的改革进入了一个全新的阶段。所有农村的金融问题都是围绕如何向“三农”提供促进其发展的金融服务而展开。而村镇银行设立目的是为新农村建设注入金融活力,提振农村缺少的金融市场和服务,从而促进农村经济发展。本文通过以广东省的村镇银行为主要研究对象,具体分析该省村镇银行“三农”服务的形势状况及对所存在的问题进行研究。最后,从地方政府、监管部门本身等角度提出发展对策,同时,要求村镇银行因地制宜探索多种创新农村金融业务, 方能进一步开拓服务“三农“之路,从而加大广东省村镇银行“三农”扶持的力度,提高农村金融的可持续发展能力。
关键词:广东 村镇银行 “三农“ 缺陷性 发展
Abstract:At present, China's rural financial reform has entered a new phase. All the financial problems in rural areas are commenced around how to provide financial services for "three rural" and promote its development. The purpose of the establishment of village banks for the construction of new countryside is to inject the financial vitality, boost rural lack of financial markets and services, and promote rural economic development. This article is by the use of village banks in Guangdong Province as the main object of study, which Specifically analyzes the current situation of the rural services of village banks and studies the problems encountered by rural banks to support rural economic development and proposes the development of countermeasures from the aspect of local government, regulators themselves, etc. Meanwhile, rural banks should meet specific local reality to explore a variety of innovative financial services in rural areas in order to further develop the road of servicing "three rural" . Guangdong village banks should increase support for the "three rural" in efforts to improve the capacity for sustainable development of rural finance.
Keywords: Guangdong VillageBank "three rural" Defective Developing