摘 要:2008年的金融危机对世界经济的影响尚未平息,欧洲主权债务危机又带来重重一击,这也给我国地方政府融资带来了影响和启示。为了刺激经济、扩大内需、推动地方发展,我国成立了许多地方政府融资平台,这对应对金融危机有重要的积极作用,但同时,我国关于防范与化解地方政府性债务风险的问题正亟待解决,包括银行信贷风险与政府偿债风险、法律风险、道德风险和挤出效应带来的风险等。
Abstract:The impact on the world economy from the financial crisis in 2008 has not yet subsided, the European sovereign debt crisis brought another heavy blow, which also brought influence and enlightenment to the local government financing of our country as well. To stimulate the economy, expand domestic demand and promote the local development, our country has set up many of the local government financing platforms, which have important positive role to the response to the financial crisis, but at the same time,our problems about guarding against and dissolving the local government debt risk is to be solved, including the credit risk of bank and the government debt risk, legal risk, moral risk and the risks of crowding out, etc.
Under the background of the European debt crisis, the purpose of this paper is to analysis the operation status of local government financing platforms, and adept the method of combining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, such as putting forward the corresponding countermeasures against its risk, regulating the behavior of local government financing, perfecting the supervision system, improving the financing status of transparency, strengthening the disclosure of information, broadening the financing channels, developing diversified financing mode, at the same time, putting forward specific risk coping strategies and suggestions by the description and analysis of status quo of Wuxi government financing platform, in order to help the research of theory and the solution of related problems.
While the European debt crisis on Chinese economic impact is limited, the outbreak of the crisis plays a important role in the development of local government financing platforms of our country. We should take prevention as main, take positive and effective measures and form a system solution, to prevent the arrival of greater risk, which have important theoretical significance and practical significance.
Keywords: The European debt crisis; financing platform; risk; countermeasure