摘 要:毫无疑问,气候变暖问题已成为人类在目前乃至更长时间内必须共同面对的难题之一。目前,世界各国在经历了自然灾害的增加和极端天气的频发等现象而带来的严重伤害后,已经充分认识到了全球气候变暖的严重性和紧迫性,并积极在应对该问题方面开展广泛合作,通过推动低碳经济的发展来缓解问题。碳金融,因为是低碳经济的关键而倍受各国关注。碳金融起源于两个重要的国际公约——《京都议定书》和《联合国气候变化框架》。《京都议定书》创造了三个灵活的碳排放机制——国际排放贸易机制、联合履行机制和清洁发展机制,从而促使了全球碳金融市场的产生。目前,全球碳金融市场迅速发展,国际上已形成了四个主要的碳金融市场,初步拥有成熟的碳金融体系。然而,在我国,碳金融市场才刚刚发芽,其发展程度远低于国际水平。它既缺乏配套的政策法律体系,也缺少本土的中介组织和专门人才。本文通过研究影响我国碳金融市场发展的各项内外因素,希望能够提出具有建设性的意见,有助于我国碳金融的发展,使我国在国际碳市场上具有话语权,从而为我国低碳经济争取更大的发展空间。
关键词:低碳经济;碳金融市场;SWOT 分析;CDM
Abstract:The climate problem has become one of the problems of human must be faced together at present and even longer time. Being brought in frequent phenomenon increase experienced natural disasters and extreme weather action after damage,a lot of gonvernments around the world are fully aware of the seriousness and urgency of the problem. And they have carried out extensive cooperation in the field of global climate warming actively to promote the development of low carbon economy .Carbon finance,as the key of low carbon economy,attracts more attention. Carbon finance originated in two important international conventions -- "Kyoto Protocol" and the "United Nations Framework on climate change". "Kyoto Protocol" creates three flexible mechanisms--- International emissions trading mechanism (IET),joint implementation mechanism (JI) and the clean development mechanism (CDM),promoting the global carbon finance market. At present,the development of global carbon finance is so rapid. The world has formed four major carbon finance markets and has the quite mature carbon financial system. But in our country,Carbon finance market is just the germination,far lower than the international level in development level. It both lack of policy and law system and lack of local intermediary organizations and special talents. By researching the factors affecting the development of China's carbon finance market,I hope to be able to provide constructive,helping to the development of China's carbon finance advices. By this,China has the right of discourse in the international carbon market,To strive for China's low-carbon economy larger development space.
Key:low carbon economy ;carbon finance market ;SWOT analyse ;CDM