摘 要:随着我国经济的快速发展,商业银行贷款的业务规模也不断扩大,房地产事业也蒸蒸日上,于是个人住房贷款业务成为了商业银行的主要贷款业务之一,随着住房金融的不断深化,想要真正启动消费信贷,就必须发展住房金融。个人住房贷款是住房金融的重点组成部分,于是便受到了越来越多人的关注。人们通过住房贷款可以提前买到自己的房子,开发商的资金也可以得到及时周转,银行业从中获利,但是各种风险也随之而来。我国个人住房贷款发展迅速,但是却没有一个相对完善的风险防范体制,这就造成了商业银行的巨大的风险隐患。本文通过查阅相关文献资料,并且结合我国现行的经济环境和宏观形势分析出了商业银行住房贷款业务存在的风险种类以及形成原因,了解了个人住房贷款的风险特征,得出了一系列有效的对策,包括制定合适的房贷政策,有效抑制投机性购房动机、努力调控房地产市场供求关系来稳定房价、完善个人住房贷款内部控制制度建设、加强房地产市场监控和预测以及通过担保公司转移风险等对策,为我国商业银行贷款事业的健康发展提出了有效的建议。
Abstract:With the rapid development of our economy, the commercial bank lending is also expanding the scale of business, real estate business be on the upgrade, so the individual housing loan business has become one of the main loan business of commercial banks, with the deepening of housing finance, to really start consumption credit, it must be the development of housing finance. Individual housing loans is the focus of the housing finance part, so they are more and more people's attention. People can through housing loans in advance to buy their own house, developers of funds can also receive timely turnover, banking profit from it, but there is also the risk. Individual housing loans in China is developing rapidly, but the relative absence of a sound risk prevention system, which caused enormous risks of commercial banks. Through access to relevant literature, combined with China's current economic environment and the macro situation and analyzes the kind of risk of housing loans of commercial banks and the reasons, understanding of the risk characteristics of individual housing loans, obtained a series of effective measures, including the development of appropriate housing policy, effectively curb speculative buying motives, efforts to control the real estate market supply and demand to stabilize housing prices, improve the internal control system, individual housing loans to strengthen the real estate market monitoring and forecasting and transfer the risk countermeasures through Guarantee Corporation, and puts forward some effective suggestions for the healthy development of China's commercial bank loan business.
Keywords: Individual housing loans; risk; causes; prevention;countermeasures