摘 要:建国以来,通过工农产品价格剪刀差,亿万农民为了工业化与城市化做出了巨大的贡献,在促成了基本工业化的同时也造成了农村的相对落后。三农问题是长期以来困扰中国社会经济发展的顽疾之一,也是中国全面实现小康社会的最大障碍之一。没有农民的小康就没有全国人民的小康,没有农村的现代化就没有国家的现代化。
Abstract:Since the founding of the PRC,hundreds of millions of farmers have made a great contribution to the industrialization and urbanization through the price scissors between industrial and agricultural products , but it also result in the relative backwardness of the rural areas.Three dimensional rural issues is one of the biggest obstacle to the full realization of a well-off society.A broad consensus has formed in the society that: no well-off farmers, no well-off country;no modernization of the rural areas, no modernization of the whole country.
Crack three dimensional rural issues,financial comes first. The current main way to solve the problem include the following methods: government funding loans, financial institutions concessional loans, the microfinance model of Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad, and so on.These market and non-market model did not fundamentally solve the problem.Now a whole new way to solve this problem-----“land revenue guaranteed loans” has quietly started in Liaoning province.The first part of this paper analysis the necessity and possibility of guaranteed loans from two aspects;the second part of the article research status of pilot areas; finally, analyze the future development of guarantee loan from the transverse and longitudinal aspects .
Keywords: land revenue; guaranteed loans; three rural issues; Lishu County of Jilin Province